Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Intelligence of Pigs

Pigs are highly social animals with sophisticated learning and problem solving abilities.

They are usually rated 4th in overall intelligence, behind chimps, dolphins and elephants. They have the intelligence of a 3 year-old child and enjoy playing with balls. Pigs can remember lessons for more than 3 years. People who observe them in sanctuaries say that without a stimulating environment they easily get bored.

In experiments at Penn State University pigs learned to play special computer games for food just as quick as chimps. They used their snouts to move a joystick that moved a cursor on a video monitor. Using the same system they can change a thermostat to control the temperature of their pens.

20 of their oinks, squeals, and grunts have been identified as having specific social meaning.

When they live in a sanctuary environment, they can be loyal and affectionate and enjoy music and massage. They learn their name in 2-3 weeks and come when called.

Their noses are sensitive to smell and touch, enabling them to find food under the ground. They have been employed by the Police to detect drugs.

Physical discomfort and fear cause a hormonal/immunological stress response that makes them susceptible to infections like pneumonia.

Pigs are intelligent and sensitive animals. They cannot display their natural and impressive behavior in the extreme confinement of today's factory farms.

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